District Families: Please be aware that the academic calendar for 2025-2026 was approved by the Board of Education at their meeting last night. Click here to see the calendar: https://5il.co/3aazu

District families: There is no school tomorrow, March 7 for a Superintendent’s Conference Day.

Congratulations to the 15 Tonawanda High School students that have been chosen as the Class of 2025 Quality Students of the Tonawandas. Read more here: https://www.tonawandacsd.org/article/2071292

Become a Distinguished Alumni sponsor for the Distinguished Alumni Class of 2025! Read more about how you can donate by clicking here: https://5il.co/3916g

The Tonawanda Warrior Memorabilia Auction is now live. Read more about it here: https://www.tonawandacsd.org/article/2040780

Own a piece of history by bidding at the Tonawanda Warrior Memorabilia Auction from Feb. 28 to March 9! https://bid.cashauction.com/ui/auctions/135024
Read the full story at https://www.tonawandacsd.org/article/2040780

District families: There is no school Monday, February 17 to Friday, February 21 for mid-winter recess.

Attention Seniors: The cap, gown and tassel is the only thing needed for graduation.
The cost is $30 and all caps and gowns will be delivered to the High School in May. If you choose to order anything else on the website, it will be shipped to your house.
Click here to place your order: https://highschool.herffjones.com/secom/school/NY/Tonawanda%20High%20School/31007095000/4966/buildpackage/3

If you are a parent of a Tonawanda Senior who is planning to attend college in September, then it is time for you to file the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form.
The form is available at www.studentaid.ed.gov. Both parent and student will also need a FAFSA ID which you can get at the same website.
Once your colleges receive the FAFSA information they can process a financial aid award letter for your student.
After completing the FAFSA, you must link to the New York State Tuition Assistance Program to apply for TAP (NYS grant money). You can also access the TAP application at www.hesc.ny.gov.
If you have questions, contact your school counselor at 716-694-7673 or call the financial aid office at one of the schools your student is considering.

The Digital SAT will be given at Tonawanda High School on Friday, April 4, 2025.
To be eligible to take the exam, your child must sign up in the Counseling Office with payment no later than Friday, March 7, 2025.
Tests are available for the first 50 students, so please make sure to sign up as soon as possible!
The cost of the test is $68.00. Checks can be made payable to: Tonawanda Middle/High School.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Counseling Office (716-694-7673) and talk to your child’s school counselor.

Tickets are now on sale for Tonawanda High School's presentation of PIPPIN the musical. Click here to find out how you can purchase tickets: https://www.tonawandacsd.org/article/2019478

The Tonawanda High School Timberwolf Times January/February Newsletter is out.
Visit our THS Newsletter webpage to read it and catch up on what's happening at the school: https://www.tonawandacsd.org/o/tmshs/page/ths-newsletters

The Tonawanda Middle School Timberwolves Talon Newsletter is out.
Visit our TMS Newsletter webpage to read it and catch up on what's happening at the school: https://www.tonawandacsd.org/o/tmshs/page/ths-newsletters

District families: Early release Monday, February 3 for staff development. Only the PM session of UPK should report.

Students at Tonawanda Elementary School are moving forward with their Hydroponic Grow Units. Read more here: https://www.tonawandacsd.org/article/2000617

District families: There is no school on Wednesday, January 29 in recognition of Lunar New Year.

The U.S. Department of Justice has updated their regulations for Title II of the American with Disabilities Act.
This rule ensures that state and local governments (including schools) make their websites and mobile apps accessible to those with disabilities.
To learn more about this, the DOJ created a webinar for the public: https://www.ada.gov/title-ii-web-rule/
For more information about the rule or the ADA, visit ada.gov or call the Justice Department’s toll-free ADA information line at 1-800-514-0301 (voice) or 1-833-610-1264 (TTY).

Tonaponics is about to grow again!
The countertop hydroponic units are back in the classrooms at Tonawanda Elementary School.. Read more about it here: https://www.tonawandacsd.org/article/1982079

Dear Parents/Caregivers of High School students,
Thank you for your patience and understanding during the past few days as we made adjustments to January Exam Week. As stated in our communication yesterday, students need to report tomorrow, Thursday, January 23rd and Friday, January 24th only if they have NYS Regents exams.
Read the full story at https://www.tonawandacsd.org/article/1980423

District families: There is no school Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a day to honor the life and achievements of the civil rights leader.