The district participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) and has qualified for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for grades K-12.
This CEP provision provides FREE meals to all students for the entire school year. The programs are self-supporting with additional federal and state subsidies. A la carte items are also available for purchase.
Menus are sent home with elementary students and posted in the middle and high school cafeterias. They are also available below.
All students in grades K-12 will receive their first meal at no cost through the CEP. Additional or second meals may be purchased.
Please note that a CEP application for the next eligibility period will be sent home and are also available online. CEP applications should be turned in as soon as possible to either your child(ren)’s homeroom or to the District Office, 100 Hinds St., Door #11, across from the tennis courts, no later than September 6, 2024.
Contact the Director of Business & Finance at (716) 694-7680 with any written or verbal discrimination complaints in regard to free and reduced-priced lunch applications. View the Non-Discrimination Statement...
Summer Meals
To locate summer meals in our area, call the USDA National Hunger Hotline at 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479).