This school year, Tonawanda Elementary School has implemented the principles, strategies and structures of a research-based set of best practices called Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The goal is to create a school environment where students can grow both educationally and emotionally in a safe and effective learning environment for all students.
What is PBIS?
PBIS is a tiered, evidence-based framework that supports students' behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. PBIS aims to:
Prevent negative behaviors from occurring
Establish a positive student culture
Provide individualized behavior supports
Acknowledge all students for meeting ecpectations
Improve social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate
Improve teacher health and wellbeing
What does this look like at TES?
Below is a list of PBIS initiatives in the building:
School wide rules: Be kind. Be ready to learn. Be safe.
School rules are defined across our common spaces (cafeteria, hallways, classrooms, etc). Behavior expectations related to each rule are clearly stated for each space (see examples on page 2, rule posters).
We teach behavioral expectations for our rules about one common space per month.
Behavior expectations for each rule are taught via social skills instructional videos shown on announcements.
Students are reinforced for following rules related to the common space of the month with Shout Out certificates.
Wolf Pack Lunch Rewards Program. Classes earn points for following rules in the cafeteria. Points add up to earn rewards for students and staff.
Wolf Mart school store. Students earn stamps on their monthly behavior chart for following rules. Completed charts earn prizes. 5th grade students earn special passes.
Tickets! Students earn tickets for following rules from staff all over the building. Tickets are cashed in for stamps on their behavior chart.
Student of the Month. Students are selected across all content and instructional areas for following school rules. We celebrate with a monthly parade led by our own Timberwolf Mascot!
HOPE crew- Helping Others Pursue Enthusiasm. Some students are selected to do jobs around the building under the guidance of mentoring adults.
To download a PDF with this information, click here: PBIS Letter