Students inducted into the National Technical Honor Society

Pictured, from left, at the 2022 Erie 1 BOCES National Technical Honor Society induction ceremony on May 19 are Kylie Amidon, Hannah Rowland, Makayla Bodine, and Karlie Schneider, all seniors from Tonawanda High School.

The 2022 Erie 1 BOCES National Technical Honor Society induction ceremony on May 19 saw the induction of eight students from Tonawanda High School.

In order to qualify for induction into the NTHS, students had to meet rigorous academic and attendance requirements. The NTHS candidates had to maintain an 85% average at Tonawanda and a 90% average in their Erie 1 BOCES career and technical education program. In addition, they were also required to submit letters of recommendation, undergo a formal interview, and present a career portfolio before a NTHS screening committee.

Tonawanda students inducted May 19 were: Kylie Amidon, Makayla Bodine, Anthony Frye, Hannah Wilson, Hannah Rowland, Karlie Schneider, Daemon Vaughan, and Sui Par.