District Families: Please be aware that the academic calendar for 2025-2026 was approved by the Board of Education at their meeting last night. Click here to see the calendar: https://5il.co/3aazu

District families: There is no school tomorrow, March 7 for a Superintendent’s Conference Day.

Become a Distinguished Alumni sponsor for the Distinguished Alumni Class of 2025! Read more about how you can donate by clicking here: https://5il.co/3916g

The Tonawanda Warrior Memorabilia Auction is now live. Read more about it here: https://www.tonawandacsd.org/article/2040780

A spring sports parent information night will be held Thursday, March 20 at 5 p.m. in the High School Gymnasium.
Meet the 2024-2025 winter sports coaches, athletic director and athletic trainer.
More details here: https://5il.co/38jlb

TMS will be hosting a Chipotle Fundraiser on March 4th from 4-8pm at 1759 Sheridan Drive. All proceeds will benefit Leaders of the Pack! Please use JM6Q24X for online orders or mention TMS at checkout! We look forward to seeing you there!

Own a piece of history by bidding at the Tonawanda Warrior Memorabilia Auction from Feb. 28 to March 9! https://bid.cashauction.com/ui/auctions/135024
Read the full story at https://www.tonawandacsd.org/article/2040780

District families: There is no school Monday, February 17 to Friday, February 21 for mid-winter recess.

Tickets are now on sale for Tonawanda High School's presentation of PIPPIN the musical. Click here to find out how you can purchase tickets: https://www.tonawandacsd.org/article/2019478

District families: Early release Monday, February 3 for staff development. Only the PM session of UPK should report.

Students at Tonawanda Elementary School are moving forward with their Hydroponic Grow Units. Read more here: https://www.tonawandacsd.org/article/2000617

District families: There is no school on Wednesday, January 29 in recognition of Lunar New Year.

The U.S. Department of Justice has updated their regulations for Title II of the American with Disabilities Act.
This rule ensures that state and local governments (including schools) make their websites and mobile apps accessible to those with disabilities.
To learn more about this, the DOJ created a webinar for the public: https://www.ada.gov/title-ii-web-rule/
For more information about the rule or the ADA, visit ada.gov or call the Justice Department’s toll-free ADA information line at 1-800-514-0301 (voice) or 1-833-610-1264 (TTY).

Tonaponics is about to grow again!
The countertop hydroponic units are back in the classrooms at Tonawanda Elementary School.. Read more about it here: https://www.tonawandacsd.org/article/1982079

District families: There is no school Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a day to honor the life and achievements of the civil rights leader.

This school year, Tonawanda Elementary School has implemented the principles, strategies and structures of a research-based set of best practices called Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Read more about it here: https://www.tonawandacsd.org/o/tes/article/1949529

District families: There is no school December 23 – January 1 for Winter Recess.

Hello Families and Community Members: Please see the following important message from Dr. Oldenburg regarding recent events.: https://5il.co/33mqp

District families: There is no school tomorrow, December 13 for students in grades UPK – 5 for Parent-Teacher conferences.

Please be reminded that the community vote regarding the TAX NEUTRAL Capital Project for the Middle/High School building will take place on Tuesday, December 17th from 11 am to 8 pm inside the Wellness Gymnasium at the High School. The cost of this project will not result in any additional tax impact on our taxpayers. This fiscally responsible project will provide $52.7 million dollars in needed renovations, reconstruction, and upgrades to areas in the Middle/High School. The goal of this project is to address the urgent needs in our aging building infrastructure and learning spaces which will improve the educational environment for our students and the workplace environment for all faculty and staff.. Please visit our website for more information: https://www.tonawandacsd.org/page/tona2024